First Book Staff Profile

Name: Mitali C.

Where is your home town?

Terre Haute, IN – I am the Indian from Indiana.

What do you do at First Book?

I work with amazing national nonprofits and   government agencies to get them connected to First Book resources.

What book are you currently reading?

“Banker to the Poor” by Nobel Peace Prize winner, Muhammad Yunnus

Tell us a fun fact about you?

I love to travel with a simple itinerary: “Go Left!”  30+ states and 20+ countries later and I have managed to see a good part of the world and somehow am still alive.

Do You Have a Favorite Quote to Live By?

“Nothing great in life is achieved without enthusiasm.” – Emerson

Who is your hero?

I know it’s cheesy McCheesey, but my parents are my heroes.  How they got out of their little villages in India, immigrated to America and then created a life in the States is beyond me!  I’m just grateful that I was born in this great country and was provided tremendous opportunity, thanks to my parents.