First Book in the New York Times: "A Book in Every Home, and Then Some"

The First Book Marketplace is trying to do for publishing what micro-finance did for banking: crack open a vast potential market that is underserved at significant social cost. The organization’s goal is to democratize book access, but along the way, it may end up reinvigorating the book business.

Author David Bornstein examines the First Book Marketplace in his weekly ‘Fixes’ column for the New York Times. Bornstein writes about social innovation, and is the author of the seminal book “How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas”.

We’re big fans of his work here at First Book, and we’re delighted to hear that he feels the same way that we do about our innovative Marketplace – that providing a way to connect publishers to the millions of low-income kids that need books is a big solution to a big problems … and a win for everyone involved.