Kids Who Read Beat Summer Slide
For kids, few moments in life are more glorious than the end of the school year and the start of summer vacation. Hooray! Three whole months of sweet freedom!
But when school’s out, kids from low-income families have a real problem on their hands.
Unlike their more affluent peers, most of them don’t spend summer break at the library or reading books in the backseat on family trips. In fact, many of them won’t open a book until school starts up again.
Those three months off take a disastrous toll. Experts call the effect “summer slide” and it erases months of hard-earned progress in school, lost ground that kids in need can’t afford.
Books are the answer. Studies show that kids from low-income families fall behind an average of two months in reading while their middle- income peers tend to make slight gains.
You can help save a child from summer slide by putting books into her hands. Click here to help.