Category Archive: Archive

Are My Charitable Dollars Going to Good Use?

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Even in a slowly recovering economy, Americans are still givers, donating over $316 billion last year (an increase of 3.5% over the previous year), with the vast majority of that money coming not from companies or foundations, but from individual donors. At First Book, we rely on the generosity of... Read more

Four Ways to Engage Parents and Families in Reading Time

Posted in: Archive, For Educators

Today is National Family Literacy Day, created by our friends at the National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) to celebrate families who are improving their lives through continued learning. This issue is an important one for the classrooms and community programs that First Book serves. We recently asked hundreds of... Read more

Across America in an RV With First Book

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Today’s blog post is by Brenda Berg, who loaded her family into an RV and spent over half a year traveling across the country. They called their adventure the Gump Trip, and along the way they distributed 6,000 brand-new books to kids in need at local schools and community programs... Read more

How One DC Charter School Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

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We are in the midst of Hispanic Heritage Month 2013 – one of the many year-round events where programs within First Book’s network create learning experiences and lasting memories for the children they serve. One of these programs is CentroNía, a multicultural learning center in Washington, DC. CentroNía’s librarian Josarie... Read more

Tata Companies Share Their Love of Reading

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On October 9th at North Kipling Junior Middle School in Etobicoke, Ontario, bestselling children’s author and illustrator, Nicholas Oldland read and signed copies of his book ‘Up The Creek’. More than 40 Tata employee volunteers from Jaguar Land Rover, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Communications and Tata Global Beverages (Tetley Tea)... Read more

How is First Book Delivering Social Impact?

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First Book’s fearless leader, President and CEO Kyle Zimmer spoke on Thursday, October 10th on HuffPostLive alongside other tireless social entrepreneurs that include Hilde Schwab, David Jones and Asher Hasan. The live discussion examined how corporate assets can deliver social impact both nationally and globally. Check out the archive below: Read more

Free Books For Teachers No Matter Where You Live

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I have been signed up with First Book for several years. I teach kindergarten and first grade at Dayton Public Schools in the poverty-stricken inner city of Dayton, Ohio. I get plenty of emails from First Book, but have never received one book. Most books seem to be located in... Read more