Category Archive: Archive

35,000 Programs and Counting

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Exciting news! There are now 35,000 schools and programs serving kids in need in the First Book network. That’s 35,000 classrooms, libraries, church groups, afterschool programs, homeless shelters, military programs and daycare centers; all with permanent, ongoing access to a steady stream of brand-new, high-quality books. But as pleased as... Read more

When Life Gives you Lemons…

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You can change the world at any age. Ten-year-old Malaika Abramson has illustrated how she wants to inspire kids to read. The young, savvy entrepreneur created a website entitled “The Reading Lion”, a book recommendation site where purchase links to Amazon are embedded within the content, resulting in a percentage... Read more

Introducing @FirstBookMarket!

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FOLLOW @FirstBookMarket Looking for brand-new, high-quality books for your school or program? The First Book Marketplace is an online resource available exclusively to Title I schools and community-based programs serving children in need. Sign up to get books for your school or program.    Read more

Back-to-School = Books

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Summer is over. The time has come to sharpen pencils, load up backpacks and find your new home room! And, as students around the country return to school, the one thing that their teachers all need is books. There’s no greater predictor of success in school – and in life... Read more

dd’s DISCOUNTS Shoppers Bring New Books to Kids in Need

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dd’s DISCOUNTS is celebrating the back-to-school season with their annual Youth Literacy Fundraiser, an in-store donation drive that provides new books to local children in need through First Book. Through Sept. 3, you can make a donation at the register of any of the 104 dd’s DISCOUNTS stores – 100% of... Read more

Pirates, Ninjas, Dinosaurs, Etc.

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Kids need books! Without books, children miss out on the chance to become strong readers and successful students – especially children from low-income families. And kids don’t just need any old books. They need books that they’ll want to read. One of the main ways First Book is working to... Read more