Category Archive: Archive

Giving Where It Works

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At First Book, we work hard to make an impact: we put over 8 million new books into the hands of kids in need across the country this year. And we’re mindful of how many amazing organizations there are out there, both nationally and locally, that could use your support.... Read more

Happy Turkey Day!

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Thanksgiving has to be one of First Book’s favorite holidays; we love the food (who doesn’t like pumpkin pie?) and we love spending time with our friends and family even more. This is also the time of year when we get a chance to reflect on all the things we... Read more

33,000 Books to Kids! So what?

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From everyone at First Book, a hearty welcome and a sincere ‘thank you’ to all our new followers on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and an equally heartfelt ‘thank you’ to all our supporters and partners who shared last week’s social media message far and wide. Thanks to all of you,... Read more

First Book and Jet Blue Soar With Reading!

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First Book is excited to be partnered with JetBlue’s “Soar with Reading” program.  Soar with Reading aims to keep children reading throughout the summer, harnessing a combination of in-flight and online literacy resources, community reading events and proving new books to children in need. For every reader who registered on... Read more

A Click of the Mouse = A Book to a Kid!

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If you grew up with books of your own at home, you know what a powerful impact they had on your life. But kids from low-income families typically have no books of their own at home, and few, if any, in their classrooms. You can imagine the impact THAT has.... Read more