Category Archive: Archive

Matt Damon (and his Mom) Sticks Up for Teachers

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A teacher wants to teach. I mean, why else would you take a @#$%^& salary and really long hours and do that job unless you really love to do it? — Matt Damon Lots of people have been sending us links to the video of actor Matt Damon defending teachers.... Read more

Breaking the Chains that Hold Children Back

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Dearest amazing First Book friends! Your efforts to break the chains that hold children back is so inspiring. My organization, Gift A Book Foundation, is so happy to be a member of First Book!! A simple thank you surely doesn’t seen adequate. First Book’s work lives on in the lives... Read more

First Book has eBooks!

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Invariably, when people learn about First Book and our mission of getting new books to kids in need, someone always asks: “What about electronic readers and ebooks? Why don’t you distribute those to kids from low-income families?” Good idea! We’re pleased to announce that we are now able to offer... Read more

First Book Friday: Making It Happen in Milwaukee

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Today’s blog post comes from Gina Rullo. Gina has been an employee of First Book since October 2010 and is a Recipient Group Coordinator on the Help Team. She is from the Albany, NY area and moved to Washington, DC in October. She always enjoys a good laugh and feels... Read more

Call for Bloggers!

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Passionate about literacy? Want to discuss your thoughts on literacy issues? Have literacy tips that you want to share? We want you! The First Book Blog is always interested in featuring fresh and exciting new voices on our blog. In particular, we are looking for dynamic writers who are interested... Read more

First Book Friday: “500,000 books? Bring it on!”

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Today’s guest blog post is from Anna Taleysnik-Mehta, Operations Manager for the First Book National Book Bank, who believes that world peace can be achieved one box of books at a time, and does her small part by coordinating large scale distributions around the United States. …And with those words,... Read more

Goodreads, Give Books

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Earlier this month we were happy to announce that First Book joined forces with Goodreads, one of the largest online communities of readers, to bring more books to more children this summer. This summer the Goodreads community will be reading ‘A Visit from the Goon Squad’, by Jennifer Egan, to kick... Read more