Category Archive: Archive

Welcoming We Give Books to the First Book Family

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We can’t keep it a secret any longer! As of today, We Give Books has a new home at First Book. The online platform, which features nearly 300 digitally-optimized children’s books, enables anyone with access to the Internet to put books in the hands of kids in need, simply by reading... Read more

On Creativity and Culture: Yuyi Morales

Posted in: Archive, Author Voices

To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we had the opportunity to talk with the award-winning author and illustrator Yuyi Morales about why she became an author and illustrator, the role of children’s books in understanding and celebrating cultures and her new book, “Viva Frida.” Click here to read this blog in... Read more

First Book and ALAS: Better Serving Latino Youth

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Veronica Rivera serves as the Executive Director for the Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS), which leads at the national level to ensure every school in America effectively serves the educational needs of all students, with an emphasis on Latino youth. She recently joined us for a Q&A session... Read more

Great Ways to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

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A celebration of culture, Hispanic Heritage Month is a great time to teach kids about the value of diversity and to encourage Latino and non-Latino youth alike to take pride in the accomplishments of Hispanic trailblazers. Over the past year, First Book has cultivated a world-class collection of books featuring... Read more

Read "Bunny Cakes" on October 21st!

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On October 21, millions of children and adults will come together to read a single book for Jumpstart’s Read for the Record®.  The annual campaign celebrates literacy and brings awareness to the fact that children in need start kindergarten 60% behind their more affluent peers. Participants will also be trying... Read more

A Library Makeover in Lyman, Wyoming

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Children in Lyman, Wyoming have a 4-day school week. Shortening the weekly schedule means the school district pays for one less day of electricity, climate control, transportation and staff. But with most parents working 5 days a week, kids from this rural community need a place to go. “We see... Read more

A Path Appears

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Today’s blog post is an excerpt from A Path Appears: Transforming Lives, Creating Opportunity, the latest book from New York Times’ columnist and best-selling authors Nick Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. In A Path Appears, which was released yesterday by Random House, Nick and Sheryl highlight “some of today’s most successful... Read more

Making Math Fun

Posted in: Archive, For Educators

Getting kids excited about math can be a challenge.   Because there are expected to be more than eight million STEM jobs in the United States by 2018, math skills are becoming more and more important for today’s student. If today’s student lacks math skills, three million of tomorrow’s jobs may... Read more

Read to Me – Creating Literacy Mentors

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Today’s guest blogger, Barbara Greenway, is the Founder and Director of The Read to Me Project. When I ask the kids in my program how many of them struggle in school, half of their hands raise in the air. It can be frustrating to spend your day in an environment... Read more