Category Archive: For Educators

Teaching Much More Than Basic Concepts

The hundreds of parents in First Five Permian Basin’s Parents as Teachers program are learning to be their child’s first teacher. They’re excited for the challenge. Topics like counting, shapes and colors are at the top of the list of concepts to teach their kids. “Our parents may ask how... Read more

Free Food to Fuel Your Students’ Learning

Posted in: For Educators

Working at a Title I school you learn pretty quickly that if basic needs aren’t met, students aren’t able to move past those needs. No one can learn when they’re hungry. When students are hungry they’re distracted and sleepy. It’s amazing to watch a student eat a snack – sometimes... Read more

How Educators Use Tablets

Tablets provide many opportunities to engage a child in interactive learning. But for educators in under-resourced schools and programs, such technology is often out of reach. Thanks to a partnership with Blackboard Inc., many schools and programs were able to find affordable Kobo tablets through the First Book Marketplace this... Read more

How Educators Use Books from First Book

Posted in: Archive, For Educators

  Educators and program leaders have many uses for the books they receive from First Book – filling library shelves, inspiring excitement in reluctant readers and engaging parents in their child’s learning. They even give children books of their own to keep. 74% of educators and program leaders say the... Read more

One Teacher's Wish List

Posted in: For Educators

Every day, educators from across the country connect with First Book. They serve children of different ages, colors and creeds. But all have one thing in common – they need books. More than 5,000 new educators sign up with First Book every month. Middle school teacher Judi McMahon of Wilmington,... Read more

5 Reasons to Teach with Graphic Novels

Posted in: For Educators

Some may not consider graphic novels a teaching tool, but in recent years graphic storytelling has been used as a medium to explore different kinds of stories for broader audiences. Because of this, these books are finding their way into more and more classrooms and libraries. Why teach with graphic... Read more

How to Foster a Love of Reading

Posted in: For Educators

93% of educators and program leaders use books from First Book to develop a lifelong love of reading in their students. But how can we help kids develop this love of reading? First Book hosted a Twitter chat last week wherein educators around the country convened to discuss their experiences... Read more

Increase Your Students' Interest in Reading

Posted in: For Educators

              When kids receive new books, their faces light up, they cherish their books and keep them by their side at all times. Without any prompting from their teachers, they trade books with one another, start small books clubs and encourage each other to... Read more

The Best Way to Keep Kids Reading Over the Summer

Posted in: For Educators

“Kids will always be more excited about reading, if they can choose what to read,” says Stephanie Phelix, Library Media Specialist at Belle Forest Community School in Memphis, TN. “If it’s a cookbook or the cheat codes to their video games, it’s still reading. When they’re at the grocery store,... Read more