Category Archive: Impact Stories

How One Book Got the 2nd Grade Hooked

Posted in: Impact Stories

At McBee Elementary School in Austin, TX teachers are always looking for ways to help students share ideas and connect. That is especially true for librarian Heather Stephens. She sees hundreds of students from different grade levels, all with various interests, on a daily basis. For the 2nd grade, it... Read more

Changing Communities with Books: The Citizen Power Project

Posted in: Impact Stories

In November, First Book and its partners the American Federation of Teachers and the Albert Shanker Institute presented the Citizen Power Project; a challenge to educators nationwide to identify, plan, and implement a civic engagement project important to their students, school or community. Fifteen projects received grants to help turn... Read more

Celebrating Veterans Day with Stories

To celebrate Veterans Day and honor our United States service members, we would like to highlight First Book’s partnership with United Through Reading (UTR), a nonprofit public benefit organization dedicated to uniting military families through shared reading experiences. Every quarter, First Book’s Concierge Services team works with UTR to develop... Read more