Category Archive: Inside First Book Canada

Celebrating Veterans Day with Stories

To celebrate Veterans Day and honor our United States service members, we would like to highlight First Book’s partnership with United Through Reading (UTR), a nonprofit public benefit organization dedicated to uniting military families through shared reading experiences. Every quarter, First Book’s Concierge Services team works with UTR to develop... Read more

Chromebooks Are Here!

It has always been First Book’s mission to provide access to new books for children in need. When children today grow up they will depend not only on their reading skills, but also their skills with technology. That is why First Book is proud to offer new Chromebooks on its... Read more

Why We Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day

A teacher’s job is never done. Their days are spent solving math problems, analyzing the passages of books,  teaching the great lessons of history and serving as their students’ trusted experts. But when the final bell rings, their day isn’t finished. There are countless pages of homework to grade, lessons... Read more